Saturday, June 20, 2009

maybe bot now.

20th June

woke up. packed stuff and off to semb park.
reached there 11am. walk walk.
then cycled on bro's bike.
bla bla bla.
went home around 1+ pm.

unpacked stuff. shower. ate.
went online. chat chat.
read Yul's blog that he is playing soccer.
rung him up. cycled to northland pri street soccer court.
played a few games. won.
then rain.

went under block. joked.
it rained soooo heavily.
it stopped at 7pm like that.
played monkey at basketball court with Yul, Bing, Shafiq and Xylon.
Xylon and Yul always become the monkey. haha!
went home at 7.30pm.

shower again. ate light snacks.
tv-ed the whole time.
wanna have this time to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY!
till next post. bye!

is now a good time to leave?
maybe it is.
i'm leaving you.
take care aite.