Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Me and You.

Hey,yesterday met Fique and Jay. Proceeded to workplace to ____ and ____. Zair went to claim ____. Then off to 214 to eat. Bazz[ted] came along. Fique step bapak2 kene pergi keje. Home-d to do chores. Anak mak pe. (: Hehe. Walk to Bazz's house. Along the way jumpe Afif at his house. Joget with Bazz, Zair and Yul. Pas tu, three. Haha. Zair balik. Asked Zal nak main GNC tak. Ok dier kate. Go GNC with Bazz, Zal and Yul. Yul belanje sia, mesti ah nak main. Yul startled witch. Kene tolong Zal. Bazz is Xose. Ate at Teh Tarik Muslim Restaurant. Proceeded to 161 to lepak. Played silent library. Bazz kene tendang. Zal kene weggie. Bazz pon kene weggie. Azhar cabot. Beh pas tu semua balik. Bye.